Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Makerspace is very useful for cultivating creativity and technical capacity of student, at the first students just does some simple project like coding by color to make movement of little robot. This project can teach students to learn some basic principle of programming and identifying different colors. Gradually let students to learn more and more complex projects for higher knowledge. In makerspace, students learn new knowledge by doing and it can enhance the effect of learning, because doing is better than hearing or seeing in the learning process, experience of doing can remind student to remember relevant information or knowledge they have stored in mind. As teachers we should know that’s the process of constructing. Even failed experiences are useful for students, they have already known what they did wrong and won’t make same mistake in same situation. Once students possess enough fundamental skills and knowledge, they are able to make their own creations and innovations by inspiration from normal life or learning process.

It’s very normal that meet lots of challenges during building a makerspace because will take lots of money to buy machines and equipment. And there also need professional people in makerspace. Some problems can be solved by collaboration and discussion of student, but they can’t handle everything by themselves, they still need professional staff.

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